Wednesday, June 24, 2020

What's with the Grown Lady and her Baby Yoda?

I have loved stuffed animals as long as I can remember. Some of my favorites were Kerby the bear, Kermit the Frog, and a black Pound Puppy named Midnight. I've had fewer as I've gotten older, but I still think they're cute, and they make me smile. When my students invite me to their baby showers, there's a good chance that my gift is going to include a stuffed animal. I have stuffed animals they've given me for Valentine's Day, too, which are very special to me. 

As a bank teller and a teacher, I enjoyed having fun, seasonal figurines on my desk. Although I have never seen Star Wars, when I first laid eyes on "Baby Yoda," I knew I wanted all the "merch" I could get my hands on. I want to say that he made his online debut around Christmas of 2019 and was supposed to be available for purchase in Spring of 2020. The horrors of 2020 delayed that a bit. Nonetheless, I still enjoyed seeing YouTube clips from his show, "The Mandalorian," and his memes. 

One of my former students owns a collectibles store in Colorado, which is awesome! He posted some Baby Yoda merch on Facebook one day. I commented that I would like to be notified when the plush ones became available. Then, one glorious day in June, plush Baby Yoda Noble, Funko Pop Baby Yoda, and action figure Baby Yoda arrived at my house as a gift from him. I don't think I had been as happy since the day I bought my second Mustang. He is just the cutest thing, with his facial features and expressions and soft body. I love the way he scoots around in his basket in the clips and makes his sweet little sounds. 

He brings so much joy to me, and I want to share that joy with others, so I decided to have lots of fun with him. He goes to work with me, as well as lots of other places. He is the Easter egg in all of my car videos, so be on the lookout for him. I figured that would be fun for the regular viewers, as well as for the customers watching their personalized videos. Most of the people at work have fun with him, too. Grown men have asked to take selfies with him. Others want him to ride with them in Fast Lane Friday. I forgot to hide him yesterday while running an errand, and my dirty coworkers yoda-napped him and sent me a ransom text! He had been safely returned by the time I got back, though. 

People can't help but smile when they see him. I figure it's either because he's so cute or they think I'm slam crazy, but either way, they're smiling! I often get messages inviting him places and asking what he's doing. Others have offered to buy outfits for him. His original clothes are sewn on, so he's going to wear pins and accessories. He's slowly but surely making his rounds. Just like with the rocks I like to paint and hide, I like to do things I enjoy to make people smile. Some people make cookies, some people send cards, and my brother used to do random handyman tasks for people around their homes. Whatever it is that you can do, no matter how big or small, do what you can to brighten someone's day. You never know what kind of day they're having or what kind of situation they're going home to. 

The parts have been ordered for Baby Yoda Noble's custom booster seat for my car so people can see him during our daily commute. BOLO for him. Also, please subscribe to my YouTube page, Stephanie Noble Autos to see the Noble Picks of the Day, as well as all of my auto videos. He is Easter egging in all of them (since I've had him). Have fun and make someone's day, even if you have to be a little weird ;) As my late friend Jim Morrison said, "where's your will be to weird?" 

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