Monday, December 19, 2022

My Very Special First Duck Hunt

I am not a hunter. I am not anti-hunting, assuming good sportsmanship is practiced and the animal is respected. I went as a kid with my dad and brother, but just because I wanted to be with them. If my memory serves me correctly, I have only dove, deer, and squirrel hunted. I have seen videos of duck hunters, but I had never done it. I’ve heard how addictive turkey hunting is, but I just haven’t had the desire to go. Nothing about being still, quiet, and cold have ever appealed to me, nor has killing an animal.
My brother was an avid outdoorsman. He has hunted most game around here, with the exception of hogs, as far as I know. I enjoy doing things that allow me to feel his presence or as if he is living through me. The river, particularly, the Alabama, where he spent so much time, is a place where I experience that feeling.
We are currently experiencing an “Arctic blast,” as the meteorologists call it. Saturday evening, my boyfriend, Randy, asked me to go on a duck hunt with him the next morning. He said he would be disappointed if I didn’t go. He is so good to me, so I never want to disappoint him, and I appreciate that he wanted me to go. I told him I didn’t want to be cold. He told me that I would be in the cab of a boat with a heater. He also told me that he was going to cook deer sausage. I thought he was joking about cooking. I agreed to go. We launched at the Peach Tree landing, where my brother launched countless times. I wore his faded camo duck jacket, took a thermos of “special” coffee, lol, and a book. We went to “a place” off the river, the hunters got situated, and we waited on the sunrise (30 minutes before sunrise, to be exact). It was a bit foggy, but as the sun rose over the Alabama, I immediately knew why my brother loved duck hunting. I’ve seen the sun rise over the river many times on fishing trips, but it was even more beautiful yesterday. I thought to myself “so this is why these guys get up so early and face the cold, and it is so worth it!” The hunters had decoys out, the trees were hanging over us, the fog was rising, and the sun was starting to shine. It was one of the best, most special times I have experienced, especially since my brother’s passing. We saw a lot of ducks and bagged three. Animals are beautiful to me, but my favorite duck is a male wood duck. One was killed, and the hunter gave him to me. I will have him mounted to commemorate my first duck hunt. I know I didn’t kill him, but I was there. It was so exciting seeing the ducks fly and the hunters raise their shotguns. Again, even though I wasn’t hunting, I felt like I was hunting for Jared. I know that he was smiling down even bigger.
I made sure not to be the annoying girlfriend/wife tagging along making noise, talking too much, asking stupid questions, and getting in the way. Randy broke out the Blackstone, and sure enough, grilled deer sausage right there in the boat. I drank my “rise and shine,” but never cracked the book. I didn’t want to miss the beauty of the experience. I am not a legalist who thinks one is going straight to Hell if they “aren’t at church every time the door is open,” but we missed Sunday School. With no disrespect to Sunday School, admiring God’s creation was way more church than one can experience in a building. I also thought, as I do often, about how thankful I am that I will see my brother again. I can’t wait to tell him about my first duck hunt. I can’t wait for him to meet Randy. On earth, they would have been the best of friends, and would have helped me keep the other straight, lol. Jared would be so happy that I am with someone who treats me so well and likes to do the same things he did. My garage attic is full of Jared’s decoys. We plan to take a few and go back. This spring, I hope to kill a turkey with Jared’s gun. It means a lot to me to do the things he did and with his equipment. I am very protective of it, though, as it cannot be replaced. I am thankful to have had such a brother, and I am also thankful to have such a boyfriend.

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