Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Good Taste in Cars is Hereditary

 The first vanity plates I remember seeing read "DRJONES," and they were on the back of a beautiful white Ford Thunderbird with ground effects. I was a kid, so I don't know much about the mechanical specs, but it had a 5.0L, manual transmission, and was very sporty. To top off the cool factor was the fact that it belonged to a "girl," or lady, rather, our longtime (but not long enough) postmaster, Debbie Jones. Debbie is the first postmaster I remember, and it hasn't been the same since she retired in late January of 2015. I remember the date because her retirement reception was the same day that my first Mustang GT finally arrived nine months after it was ordered. In hindsight, that is pretty cool, as Debbie's taste in cars impacted mine. 

Debbie Jones and me when we ran into each other at a volleyball game I was coaching

She actually had two white Tbirds- one was a late 80s or early 90s, and one was around a '98 model. She let me drive the first one across the parking lot in Fulton one summer when our church youth group had a car wash. I had such a big head because I got to drive this car I drooled over every time I saw it, it was my heroine's car, and I wasn't old enough for a permit, but I could drive a stick, whereas some of the boys in the youth group didn't even know how. I will never forget that day! 

This is not her car, but it's one like it

I'm not sure how I missed out on this, but she may be the only unofficial family member to have driven my dad's Roush supercharged Mustang GT, which was a 5 speed manual with 440 horses. I heard that she handled it as well as anybody. I never had any doubts. Ever.

I think the correct term for a female in charge of a post office is "postmistress," but that does not sound classy enough or tough enough to describe Debbie Jones, nor does it describe the way she ran the Fulton Post Office for many decades. Debbie Jones ran our post office like a United States Marine, and if you know how I feel about the USMC, then you know that is a huge compliment. US Marines are the toughest, most bold, confident people you will ever meet. That is the way I have viewed Debbie Jones since I was a child and always will. Even then, she spoke to me as if I were an adult,  but always with kindness. It made me feel important. Now days, it is rare that you see anyone, much less a woman, with the confidence that Debbie has. I have always wanted to be like her, and I still do! I'm not there yet, though.

The Fulton Post Office 

So what does this have to do with good taste in cars being hereditary? A month or so ago, Debbie's daughter, Leslie, contacted me to help her find a car for her son, Malikhi, for graduation. I am always thankful when anyone reaches out to me for a car deal, but this was special because of the impact Debbie Jones has made in my life- sporty cars included.  Leslie and I are close in age, but I don't know her as well as I know her mom. From the little that I have been around her, though, I know that she is also a strong woman. When she started listing the well-researched specs provided by Malikhi, I knew the apple hadn't fallen far from the tree. I was so proud and excited for him! I still am! 

This is so exciting- the sales consultant is showing Malikhi the features- exciting for both of them!

With the automotive market and shortage the way it is now, they were able to find the right car for him at a dealer of the same brand. It worked out perfectly, as they made the trip on his 18th birthday. Leslie sent me a walkaround video with the car running so I could hear the engine rumbling, then a photo of Malikhi with his car after the deal was done. It is a 2021 Kia K5 GT-Line. It is super-sharp, and one of my favorite things about it is that it is unique. I work in the car business, and I have never seen one. I think it's cool to be the only one with something. He is sure to turn heads in this! 

Malikhi, Happy 18th birthday, congratulations on graduation, and congratulations on the purchase of your beautiful new car! I am very happy for you!

Leslie, thank you for considering me in your car search, and thank you for including me. I have been so happy and excited for him!

Debbie Jones, aka, World's Best Post Lady, thank you for the amazing example you set as a strong, confident, independent woman. A little girl in Fulton was watching. She is grown up now, but she still remembers. 

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