Saturday, June 12, 2021

It's All Part of a Plan...


As a teacher, I didn't have favorites, but there are kids that sync with you more so than others. The kids that didn't sync with you synced with other teachers with personalities more similar to theirs, so it all works out. One of the students in the class of 2017 was a girl named Christin. Although she graduated in 2017, I was her history and current events teacher in 8th grade. Kids are really impressionable at that age. I was climbing to the peak of my running career at that time, and Christin asked me to train her. 

I live a very structured life personally, professionally, athletically, and socially. I have to in order to complete my necessary tasks. Having said that, I have never liked having workout partners because I like being on my own schedule, not waiting on people, etc. Christin lived in my town and knew my quirks. She agreed to my schedule. We started running together. In her rookie race season, she took a first place medal, whether it was the first place overall female or first place in her age group. I am still so proud of her for that. She is built to run. Running is the punishment in other sports, and this kid wanted to run. 

After 8th grade, we remained close. She faced adversity throughout her high school years, and often confided in me and looked to me for advice. Christin is the oldest of her siblings. Next under her is a brother named Gavin, and two younger sisters. I taught Gavin as well. My parents and I go to church with them. 

In January of 2020, I was preparing for a sales meeting at work, when a coworker who was unware of mine and Christin's relationship said "Danny Ray Pugh's stepson has been killed in a wreck." I do not say what I am about to say to make this about me, but to clarify the emotions. I have blogged before about losing my brother in a car accident. When I hear of other sudden deaths, particularly car accidents, I feel what that family is feeling. It is the worst thing I have ever experienced. The only thing you can do is pray that it will be better. It will be better, but only with time. The family doesn't know it at that moment, but their lives will never ever be the same. From that point on, their frame of reference for time is before that person died and after. You become a different person. Those are the things I think about. It literally makes me sick for that family. 

I remember running out of the showroom because I thought I was going to throw up, and I also wanted to scream. My GM, who was a dear friend at the time, came out to check on me. I pulled myself together and came back into the meeting. I have no idea of what was said. I was praying for the family and asking God to prepare me to talk to Christin. I also felt God telling me that this is why He put Christin in my path back in 8th grade. We were now angel sisters and connected on a whole other level. She would need me, just as I had needed other grievers when my brother died (and still do). 

After the meeting, I checked my phone. Two of Christin's teachers and my former coworkers from school had sent texts to me to "get to Christin." My former babysitter, now friend, who lost two husbands in a short period of time, also contacted me. She has been a tremendous grief mentor to me. She told me something like "this is your time." These three ladies were aware of mine and Christin's relationship and of my brother's passing. It was amazing, really. As tragic as it was, it still amazes me how God knew what was going to happen and started preparing both of us so many years ago. I believe he also put me in the minds of the ladies who told me to "get to Christin." I wasn't going to save the day, but we were close, and I have been there.

I called Christin immediately and went to see her and the family that evening. They have been incredibly strong. There is peace in knowing that Gavin was a Christian, and so is his family, so they will see him again.  

Christin just had the most beautiful baby girl a few months ago and asked me to be her godmother. Being the godmother to my godchildren is the highest honor I've ever received. I don't get to see her as much as I'd like because her mom and I have pretty much opposite working schedules, but I am so excited about watching her grow and being part of her life. Christin loves Reba, and yet, I still love Christin, lol. Obviously, I am not a fan, lol. I do, however, love the song, "Fancy, so that is my nickname for my goddaughter. I'm sure she will just love being named after a Reba song involving a roach, haha. 

Gavin and his sisters came to visit my dogs and me eight years ago today and it was in my Timehop. What special memories! It brought to mind the things I've said here and I wanted to share them with you. God has a plan for our lives. Everyone we meet, we meet for a reason. That is so amazing to me. That's why Jeremiah 29:11-13 is my life verse.

Special thanks to Christin and her parents for being such a special part of my life and for allowing her to be. 

In loving memory of Gavin Pugh

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