Monday, February 1, 2021

How Heart Disease Stole My Loved Ones and Changed My Life

 If one of your parents had to have heart disease, which would it be? What a horrible question! When you look at statistics from the American Heart Association, though, 48% of American adults have cardiovascular disease. It is the number one cause of death in the US, and stroke takes fifth place. While I am still fortunate enough to have both parents, I can’t say the same about my grandparents. Before the end of my first semester in college, three of my grandparents had succumbed to heart attacks. When I saw this family pattern and learned ways to “get heart healthy,” it was a no-brainer for me.

Although I have always been an athlete, staying fit was no longer something to do for fun, it was necessary for survival. I took a PE class every semester in college (which also helped my GPA, lol), and I also took advantage of the free exercise classes at the student rec center. Before graduating from college, I met my now-husband, who is a US Marine and former competitive body builder. We started running and training together, and I have been hooked ever since. He also started me on the path of healthy eating, and I self-taught (via reading) from there. I cannot imagine life out of shape or out of the gym.

Every February, the American Heart Association uses the month to raise funds and awareness for “Heart Month.” It is a special cause to me because I want to tell people how heart disease stole my grandparents from my family, and how one can possibly prolong their lives by “getting heart healthy.” Throughout the month, I will blog about each of my grandparents and a special friend who fell victim to this number one killer. 

Reference Article above ^^^

American Heart Association

Wear Red Day

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