Monday, February 15, 2021

I Wear Red for My Friend Terry

 With the exception of my grandmother, the most shocking loss to a heart attack is that of my friend, Terry. It is also the most recent. It is for this reason that I will not post pictures of him because I do not want to cause a grief wave for his family.

I have known Terry and his family all my life, but it wasn't until the last five years or so that we joined the church where he served as chairman of deacons and became close. His daughter is also one of my best friends. Until my two-ish year church hiatus, I saw him at least once a week, sometimes twice. My husband, Jason, doesn't go to church, but he met Terry at a men's wild game supper once. They became friends, and we are both so thankful. Jason is very peculiar and anti-social, but he always welcomed Terry's texts and calls. We were both shocked and devastated when we learned that he had passed. 

Terry was special. He was wise and witty. The first image in this article is the end of a witty quote of his. It's appropriate, of course, but it's not "PC," either. It is, however, hilarious. He would randomly call or text to see how things were going and to wish me a good day. He became someone I trusted, confided in, and consulted for advice. He's been gone about six months or so, and I still find myself wishing I could call him and tell him something, vent to him, ask for his advice, and ask him to pray for me. He was also one in a handful of people I never wanted to disappoint. For example, if I was about to post something questionable, I would ask myself, "what would Terry think if he saw that?" That was all it took. 

During the month before he passed, his daughter-in-law and I worked an event together. He was our courier, so-to-speak, and would take event materials back and forth between us. He and I lived close by, and he worked with his son who is married to this particular lady. I would meet him on my way to work and on his way to take his grandsons to school. We met at the bank in town, and I would joke with him that the nosy folks in town were going to start rumors about us, lol. I usually don't keep texts in my phone long, but I'm so thankful I kept his longer than usual because I still have them. Some of them are our last words to speak to one another.

My immediate family has always made sure that the last thing we say is "I love you." I've always taken it seriously, but even more so after my brother's sudden, tragic death. Terry and I didn't tell each other that, but I say this so families will understand the importance. Terry and I had no idea that would be the last time we would see each other this side of Heaven. We left with a smile and a "have a good day." 

I can't imagine how hard life is for his family without him. He was my friend, not my father, grandfather, or husband, and I know how much I miss him. Terry was an active, hardworking man. I don't know about his eating and exercise habits, but he didn't drink or smoke. Regardless, a heart attack stole him from those who love him. I wear red for my friend Terry.

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